
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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growth, yet it is very well supplied from
other places; for, besides the performers
above mentioned, Signor Campioni is
settled here, as maestro di Capella to the
grand duke; Signor Dottel, the celebrat-
ed performer on the German flute, is of
his band, and Signor Nardini is engaged
here, as principal violin, in the service of
the same prince *.

I heard likewise in this city a good per-
former on the double harp, Signora Anna
Fond, from Vienna, who is in the service
of the court; and my little countryman,
Linley, who had been two years under
Signor Nardini, was at Florence when I
arrived there, and was universally admired.
The Tommasino, as he is called, and the
little Mozart, are talked of all over Italy,
as the most promising geniusses of this age.

* These three eminent masters, whose merit is
well known to all Europe, have been lately tempted
to quit Leghorn, by the munificence of the grand