SECM announces its second biennial conference,

Genre in Eighteenth-Century Music

to be held 21–23 April 2006
in Williamsburg, VA.

Final Program

(click on links for abstracts)

Friday, 21 April

9:00–2:00 Registration

10:00–11:30 Special Presentation (optional, limited to first 20 people who submit their registration forms with this option checked)
John Watson: “Musical Instruments as Primary Documents: a Discussion and Tour of the Conservation Lab at Colonial Williamsburg”

Abstract: The session will begin with an illustrated presentation about the conservation of the 1816 Broadwood grand piano that will be featured in Malcolm Bilson's Saturday night performance. How can we protect vulnerable historical evidence physically encoded in fragile old parts during major restoration. Several other musical instruments will be shown in the conservation lab, and there will be time for discussion about their use and preservation.

1:30–4:30 Paper session 1: Eighteenth-Century Neapolitan Comic Opera: Production, Convention and Innovation (Michael Robinson, moderator) at Woodlands
Paologiovanni Maione “The 'Catechism' of the commedeja pe' mmuseca in the Early Eighteenth Century in Naples”
Pierpaolo Polzonetti “Politics and commedia per musica: Paisiello's Le gare generose between Naples and Vienna”
Antonio Caroccia “I letterati burlati: Francesco Zini and the Neapolitan Academic 'querelle' of the Late Eighteenth Century”
Anthony DelDonna “Giambattista Lorenzi (1721–1807) and Neapolitan Comic Opera in the Late Eighteenth Century”

5:00 Fife and Drum Corps at Colonial Williamsburg (optional)

Dinner (on your own)
Reservations for Colonial Williamsburg restaurants may be made at the Visitor Center Dining & Lodging Reservations Desk, or by calling 1-800-TAVERNS or (757) 229-2141.

Saturday, 22 April

9:00–12:00 Paper Session 2: Genre and Vocal Music (Bertil Van Boer and Dorothea Link, moderators) at Woodlands
Richard Hardie “Domesticating Opera: the Publication of Opera Partbooks in England, 1706–1712”
Michael Burden “Greatly inferior' Entertainments: Opera and Genre in Eighteenth-Century London”
Estelle Joubert “Escaping the Wagnerian Lens: Hiller's Singspiele and the Public Sphere”

12:00–1:30 Catered lunch

1:30 Bus to College of William & Mary (The College is a short walk from the hotel, but bus service will be available in case of inclement weather and for those who would prefer not to walk)

2:00–5:00 Paper Session 3: Genre and Instrumental Music (Michael Ruhling and Philip Olleson, moderators) at William & Mary
Joshua Walden “What's in a Name? C. P. E. Bach, Aly Rupalich, and the Genre of Musical Portraiture”
Stephen C. Fisher “C. P. E. Bach's Sonatinas for Keyboard(s) and Orchestra”
Sterling E. Murray “Capriccio in the Symphonies of Antonio Rosetti: Meaning and Significance”
Andrew Kearns “When is a Serenade a Serenade?”

5:00–6:30 Reception

6:45 Bus to Regional Public Library

7:30 Concert featuring Malcolm Bilson

Cramer: Eleven Variations on “Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen” from Mozart's Magic Flute
Dussek: Fantasy and Fugue in F minor
Haydn: Sonata in C major, Hob. 50
Clementi: Sonata in F minor, Opus 13/6
Mozart: Sonata in F major, K. 332

9:30 Bus to Woodlands

Sunday, 23 April

9:30-12:00 Paper Session 4: A Miscellany of Genres (Jane Hettrick and Paul Corneilson, moderators) at Woodlands
Timothy Sharp “The German Songbook in Colonial America”
Jason B. Grant “Chorale Genres in Telemann's Liturgical Passions”
Drew Edward Davies “Villancicos, Cantadas, Arias, and Tonadas: Making Sense of Italianized Spanish Genres in the Eighteenth Century”
Jennifer Cable “The Composing of 'Musick' in the English Language: the English Cantata, 1700–1745”