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time it is usually well supplied with per- formers. In 1765 the opera of Antigono, written by Metastasio, and composed by Sarti, was performed here, in which the principal singers were Mauzoli, and the Bastuadella, the compass and flexibility of whose voice has since rendered her very celebrated. She is now in the ser- vice of the duke of Parma. In 1771 Sig- nor Guadagni performed in this theatre.
The short space of time I staid at Ve- rona, was not sufficient for many musical enquiries; but I was afterwards informed by an English gentleman, who had re- sided some years in that city, that it contains, besides several able professors, a great number of dilettanti, who both perform and compose in a superior man- ner.
There was neither opera nor comedy at this place when I passed through it, nor should I have mentioned this city in