
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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at Mecca: and though, since his death,
all these particulars are become histori-
cal, and hardly belong to the present state
of music; yet I should be inclined to
present the reader with a sketch of his
life, if my books and papers collected in
the Venetian state, among which are the
materials I acquired at Padua concerning
Tartini, were arrived.

As it is, I shall only say, that he was
born at Pirano, in Istria, in 1692; that,
in his early youth, having manifested an
attachment to a young person, who was
regarded as unworthy of being allied to
his family, his father shut him up; and
during his confinement he amused him-
self with musical instruments, in order to
divert his melancholy; so that it was by
mere accident that he discovered in him-
self the seeds of those talents which after-
wards grew into so much eminence.

M. de la Lande says that he had from
his own mouth the following singular
anecdote, which shews to what degree
