
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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the year 1722, where, though he had a
salary of four hundred ducats a year, yet
his attendance was only required on great
festivals; but so strong was his zeal for the
service of his patron saint, that he seldom
let a week pass without regaling him to
the utmost power of his palsied nerves.

He died universally regretted by the
Patavinians, who had long been amused
by his talents, and edified by his piety
and good works. To his Excellency
Count Torre Taxis of Venice, his scholar
and protector, he bequeathed his MS.
music; and to the professor Padre Colom-
, who had long been his friend and
counsellor, he left the care of a posthu-
mous work, of which, though chiefly
mathematical, the theory of sound makes
a considerable part *.

There was a public function performed
for him at Padua, March 31, 1770, at

* In this work he proposed to remove the ob-
scurity, and explain the difficulties of which he is
accused in his former Treatises.