
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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which a funeral oration was pronounced
by the Abate Francesco Fanzago, and an
anthem performed, which was composed
on the occasion by Signor P. Maestro

His merit, both as a composer and
performer, is too well known to need a
panegyric here: I shall only say, that as
a composer, he was one of the few origi-
nal geniusses of this age, who constantly
drew from his own source; that his me-
lody was full of fire and fancy, and his
harmony, though learned, yet simple and
pure; and as a performer, that his slow
movements evince his taste and expres-
sion, and his lively ones his great hand.
He was one of the first who knew and
taught the power of the bow; and his
knowledge of the finger-board is proved
by a thousand beautiful passages, to which
that alone could give birth. His scholar,
Nardini, who played to me many of his
best solos, as I thought, very well, with
respect to correctness and expression, as-
