
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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anthem for Tartini; I obtained copies of
several of these. He likewise communi-
cated to me part of a treatise of his own
writing, in MS. upon modulation; which,
as it is less metaphysical, and has less of
mathematics in it than Tartini's Treatise,
so it is more clear, and seems more likely
to be generally useful, if it should be

I was sorry, upon leaving Padua, to
quit this good father, who is of so amiable
a character, that it is impossible to know
and not esteem him. He promised me
two of his masses in score, as soon as they
could be transcribed *, and pressed me to
send him a copy of my book when pub-
lished; he read my plan with great atten-
tion, and over-rated it so far as to say it
was a public concern to Italy.

The theatre of Padua is handsome and
convenient; it is approached by two mag-

* Since my arrival in England I have received
advice of his having sent them to Venice, in order
to be forwarded to England.