
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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famous tenor, il Cavalier Guglielmi Ettori,
in the service of the duke of Würtem-
berg who was more applauded than all the
rest. The two principal dancers were
Signor Pic, and Signora Binetta; the sub-
ject of the opera, Scipio in Carthage.

Thursday, August 2. This morning I
had the honour, in company with Dr.
Marsili, Professor of Botany, in the uni-
sity [sic] of Padua, to breakfast with the Pro-
fessor of Mathematics, Padre Colombo,
with whom I had a long conversation
relative to Tartini and his posthumous
work, mentioned above.

From hence I went to St. Anthony's
church, where, it being the Day of Pardon,
there was a mass, with solo verses of Padre
composition, who was there to
beat the time; but the two principal
singers, Signor Guadagni, and Signor
Casati, being absent, little remains to be
said of the execution of this music, as far
as the vocal was concerned; the writing,
