
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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two violins played difficult passages very
neatly, the base stopped well in tune,
and the voice, which was a woman's,
was well toned, and had several essentials
belonging to that of a good singer, such as
compass, shake, and volubility; but I shall
not mention all the performances of this
kind which I met with here; as they
were so numerous, that the repetition
would be tiresome.

The city is famous for its conservato-
or musical schools, of which it has
four, the Ospedale della Pietˆ, the Mendi-
, the Incurabili, and the Ospedaletto
a S. Giovanni e Paolo
, at each of which
there is a performance every Saturday and
Sunday evening, as well as on great fes-
tivals. I went to that of the Pietˆ, the
evening after my arrival, Saturday, Au-
gust 4. The present Maestro di Capella is
Signor Furlanetti, a priest, and the per-
formers, both vocal and instrumental,
are all girls; the organ, violins, flutes,
violoncellos, and even french-horns, are
