
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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and responses are sung in a kind of me-
lody totally different from any other that
I had ever heard in or out of the church.
In this there is no organ, but it is more
crowded with ornaments, and its cere-
monials are more numerous than in any
of the Romish churches.

The Armenians have likewise a church
here at the Ponte de' Ferali, of long stand-
ing, in which the service is performed
in their own language, and the music is
of a peculiar cast.

From thence I went to St. Marc's, and
heard a mass in music, which was sung
by the priests, accompanied by the organ
only, much in the manner of our full an-
thems. At St. Luke's church I likewise
heard part of a mass with instruments;
some of the tenor voices here were good,
and the airs written and sung with taste;
the music was composed by a priest. There
was an excellent fugue in the last chorus,
well worked and well performed.
