
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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air. The words are taken from three or
four of the Psalms in Latin, from the
hymn Salve Regina, and one of the Can-
ticles put into Latin verse, and in dialogue.
I knew not whether I was most delighted
with the composition, or with the execu-
tion; both were admirable.

Signor Buranello has preserved all his
fire and imagination from the chill blasts
of Russia, whence he is lately returned*.
This ingenious, entertaining, and elegant
composer abounds in novelty, in spirit,
and in delicacy, and his scholars did his
music great justice. Several of them had
uncommon talents for singing, particu-
larly Rota, Pasqua Rossi, and the Ortolana;
the two last sung the Canticle in dialogue.
The overture, and the whole of this last
performance were for two orchestras. In
the overture, which was full of pretty

* Signor Galuppi is best known in Italy by the
name of Buranello, which he acquired from having
been born in the little island of Burano, near Venice,
He is succeeded at Petersburg by Signor Traetta.