
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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passages, the two bands echoed each other.
There were two organs, and two pair of
french-horns. In short, I was extreme-
ly entertained by this performance, and
the whole company, which was very nu-
merous, seemed equally delighted.

The young singers, just mentioned, are
absolute nightingales; they have a facility
of executing difficult divisions equal to
that of birds. They did such things in
that way, especially the Rota, as I do not
remember to have heard attempted be-
fore. The able master was discoverable
in all the cadences of these young per-
formers. The instrumental parts were
very well executed, and the whole indi-
cated a superior genius in the composer
and conductor of the performance.

This music, which was of the higher
sort of theatric stile, though it was per-
formed in a church, was not mixed with
the church service, and the audience sat
the whole time, as at a concert; and,
