
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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indeed, this might be called a concerto
, with great propriety.

Tuesday 7. This morning there was a
mass in music at the church of S. Gaetano.
It being a great festival, all the treasures
and relics were exposed to public view,
and there was a very great crowd. The
composer of the music, and the person
who beat the time was Signor Menagatto,
a priest; I cannot say that I received
much pleasure from this performance,
the organ was coarse, and poorly played;
the voices consisted only of two indif-
ferent tenors and a base, and the com-
position was very common, and unmarked
by any stamp of original genius.

The people here, at this season, seem
to begin to live only at midnight. Then
the canals are crowded with gondolas,
and St. Mark's square with company;
the banks too of the canals are all peo-
pled, and harmony prevails in every part.
If two of the common people walk toge-
ther arm in arm, they are always singing,
