
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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all will end to the satisfaction of the
offended ear.

Wednesday 8. This day was not re-
markable for any enquiry relative to the
present state of music in Italy; however
it deserves mention here, on account of
the opportunity it afforded me of con-
versing with the Abate Martini, one of
the best judges of every part of music,
ancient and modern, that I had yet met
with. He is an able mathematician, a
composer, and performer. He had tra-
velled into Greece, in order to make ob-
servations in geography, agriculture, and
natural history; but being unable to sa-
tisfy himself as he expected, he was so
mortified by the disappointment, that he
would not publish any of his remarks or

Among other curious enquiries, he
made many concerning the music of
the modern Greeks, in hopes it would
throw some light upon that of the an-
