
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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cient. He knows, I believe, as much as
any one else, about the systems of Pytha-
goras, Ptolemy, and the writers collected
by Meibomius, as well as of Rameau
and Tartini. He is a great admirer of
the works of Marcello, and sings by heart
all his cantatas and best melodies. After
reading my plan, which we discussed ar-
ticle by article, he entered much into my
views; shewed me his Grecian and other
manuscript papers, and I had great reason
to be satisfied both with my reception,
and the information with which he fa-
voured me.

9th. I had this afternoon another long
conversation with the same learned gen-
tleman, who was so obliging as to bring
his manuscript papers concerning Greek
music, and to desire my acceptance of
them. I regarded this present as a very
valuable acquisition; for though the ma-
terials it contained were too few for his
original purpose of forming a book, they
appeared likely to be of importance in
