
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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the course of my future work, in which
I propose to treat not only of ancient
music, but of the national music of
most parts of the world, from whence
specimens, or accounts, well authenti-
cated, can be obtained. The Abate has,
however, collected a set of apophthegms
or proverbs, which he intends to publish,
and which will discover the manners
and wretchedness of the modern Greeks,
perhaps more effectually than any other
work could do.

There was music this evening at the
church of St. Laurence, composed and
directed by Signor Sacchini, at which,
as it was the vigil of this saint, there was
a great crowd. I suffered, as well as
every one else, too much by the heat,
perhaps, to be easily pleased, and the
composition seemed rather more common
than that which I had heard of this inge-
nious master before; however, the vocal
parts were not so well performed, as there
were no other singers than those of St.
