
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Sacchini's composition, I heard Signor
Nazari, the first violin of Venice, play a
concerto; but we have long heard that
instrument so well performed upon in
England, that nothing is left to admire.
However, Signor Nazari is certainly a
very neat and pleasing player; his tone is
even, sweet, and full; he plays with great
facility and expression, and is, upon the
whole, one of the best solo players that
I had heard on this side the Alps.

Argus is said to have had an hundred
eyes, and Fame has been painted by the
poets all tongues; in this place one wishes
to be all ears for music, and all eyes for
painting and architecture. To-day there
were so many temptations to a lover of
harmony, that it was difficult for him to
chuse; for, besides the four conservato-
rios, there were several accademias or pri-
vate concerts. I was invited to one,
which assembles on all festivals, in order
to sing the works of Marcello, without
other accompaniment than a harpsichord;
