
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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a thousand girls, and out of these, there
are seventy musicians, vocal and instru-
mental; at each of the other three hos-
pitals there are not above forty, as I
was informed by Signor Latilla, who
are chosen out of about a hundred or-
phans, as the original establishment re-
quires. But it has been known that a
child, with a fine voice, has been taken
into these hospitals before it was be-
reaved of father or mother. Children are
sometimes brought hither to be educated
from the towns belonging to the Vene-
tian state, upon the Continent; from
Padua, Verona, Brescia, and even from
other places, still more distant; for Fran-
cesca Gabrieli came from Ferrara, and is
therefore called the Ferrarese.

The Conservatorio of the Pietà has
heretofore been the most celebrated for
its band, and the Mendicanti for voices;
but in the voices time and accident may
occasion great alterations; the master
may give a celebrity to a school of this
