
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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kind, both by his compositions and abi-
lities in teaching; and as to voices, na-
ture may sometimes be more kind to the
pupils of one hospital than another; but as
the number is greater at the Pietà than
at the rest, and consequently the chances
of superior qualifications more, it is na-
tural to suppose that this hospital will in
general have the best band and the best
voices. At present, the great abilities of
Signor Galuppi are conspicuous in the
performances at the Incurabili, which is,
in point of music, singing, and orchestra,
in my opinion, superior to the rest.
Next to that, the Ospedaletto takes place
of the other two; so that the Pietà seems
to enjoy the reputation of being the best
school, not for what it does now, but for
what it has done heretofore.

Sunday 12. This morning, after hear-
ing high mass well performed at St.
Mark's, I went to the patriarchal church
of St. Peter, and heard it again there,
