
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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unable to account for. I had not time to
make enquiries, as I took this church
only in my way to the Incurabili, where
I was so pleased, both with the compo-
sition and performance, that in speaking
of them I shall find it difficult to avoid

It seems as if the genius of Signor
Galuppi, like that of Titian, became
more animated by age. He cannot now
be less than seventy years old, and yet it is
generally allowed here that his last operas,
and his last compositions for the church,
abound with more spirit, taste, and fancy,
than those of any other period of his life.

This evening the Latin Psalms that were
sung by the orphan girls, gave me great
reason to concur in the common opinion,
for out of ten or twelve movements,
there was not one that could be pronoun
ced indifferent. There were several admir-
able accompanied recitatives, and the
whole abounded with new passages, with
good taste, good harmony, and good sense.
