
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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have named being among the first class.
They did great justice in this assembly
to the abilities of Mrs. Cassandra Wynn,
from England, who was there last year,
and had left behind her the character of
a very great player.

Tuesday 14. This evening being the
vigil of the Assumption, there were mu-
sical performances at three different
churches. I went first to that of the
Celestia; the vespers were composed and
directed by the Maestro of the Pietà,
Signor Furlanetto; there were two or-
chestras, both well filled with vocal and
instrumental performers; the overture
was spirited, and the first chorus good,
in Contrapunto; then there was a long
symphony in dialogue, between the two
orchestras, and an air well accompanied,
though but indifferently sung. After
this an air in dialogue with the chorus,
which had a good effect: an air for a
tenor voice, of little merit, but this was
followed by one for a base, which was in-
