
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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geniously put together, the author making
use by turns of all the principal instruments:
I did not stay out the whole performance,
but what I heard seemed superior to any
composition that I had before met with of
this author; he availed himself of the two
orchestras, and produced several effects
which, with one, would have been im-

From hence I went to the Ospedaletto,
where the music and musicians spoke a
different language. The performance was
a Latin oratorio; Macchabæorum Mater;
the music was by Signor Sacchini; there
were six characters in it, the principal was
performed by Francesca Gabrieli: it was
divided into two parts: the first was
over before I arrived, for which I was
very sorry, as what remained delighted
me extremely, both as to the composi-
tion, which was excellent, and the singing
which had infinite merit.

When I entered the church the Ferra-
was speaking an admirable accom-
panied recitative in such a manner as is
