
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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seldom heard; it was terminated by a
Bravura air, with a pathetic second part
in Jomelli's oratorio style, but by no
means in his passages; there was then a
recitative and slow air by Laura Conti,
who is possessed of no great power of
voice; it is a mere voce di Camera; but
she has infinite expression and taste, and
charmed me in a different way: then
followed another recitative, and after it a
duet, which was truly sublime; it was
extremely well executed by Domenica
Pasquati and Ippolita Santi; upon the
whole, Signor Sacchini rises in my opi-
nion, and according to my feelings and
intelligence he is the second in Venice,
having no superior there but Signor Ga-
luppi. The singing which I heard at
this hospital to-night would, as well as
that of the Incurabili, I am certain, receive
great applause in the first opera of Europe.

Wednesday 15. I went this morning to
St. Mark's church, at which, being a
festival, the doge was present. I there
