
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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heard high mass performed under the
direction of Signor Galuppi, composer of
the music. Upon this occasion there
were six orchestras, two great ones in the
galleries of the two principal organs, and
four less, two on a side, in which there
were likewise small organs. I was
placed very advantageously in one of the
great organ lofts, with Signor Latilla,
assistant to Signor Galuppi*. The mu-
sic, which was in general full and grave,
had a great effect, though this church is
not very happily formed for music, as it
has five domes or cupolas, by which the
sound is too much broken and reverbe-
rated before it reaches the ear.

From hence I went again to a church
called la Celestia, which was very much
crowded. The mass was set to music by
Signor Furlanetto, master to the Pietà:
the resources of this composer are very
few; he has little fire and less variety,

* This instrument has pedals, and but one row
of box keys.