
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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John the Baptist, by Titian, and Noah's
ark by Giacomo Bassano, I ran away from
this music to the Incurabili, where Bura-
nello's nightingales, the Rota and Pasqua
Rossi, poured balm into my wounded
ears. There was not much company,
and the girls did not exert themselves;
however, after what I had just heard,
their performance was ravishing; and it
was not without regret that I reflected up-
on this being the last time I should hear it.

Thursday 16. My visit to Signor Ga-
luppi this morning, in company with
Signor Latilla, was long, profitable, and
entertaining. I was very glad to find
upon seeing him, that time had spared
the person as well as genius of this excel-
lent composer. He is still lively and alert,
and likely to delight the lovers of music
many years. His character and conver-
sation are natural, intelligent, and agree-
able. He is in figure little and thin, but
has very much the look of a gentleman.
