
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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giant among dwarfs: he was so obliging,
at my request, as to promise me a piece
of his composition, which has not yet
been made public, as a relick and mark
of his friendship.

I shewed him my plan, and we talked
over that, and music and musicians, very
cordially, and with similar sentiments;
his definition of good music I think ad-
mirable, and though short very compre-
hensive. It consists, he says, of vaghezza,
chiarezza, e buona modulazione
*. He and
Signor Latilla, among many other par-
ticulars, recollected the names of all the
great masters of the conservatorios, and
had patience to let me write them down.
These gentlemen likewise informed me
that the expence of the conservatorios,
on account of music, is very inconsider-
able, there being but five or six masters
to each for singing and the several instru-
ments, as the elder girls teach the younger.
The Maestro di Capella seldom does more

* Beauty, clearness, and good modulation.