
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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I was this evening at a second Acca-
, at Signor Grimani's, which was
much more considerable than the first.
Signor Sacchini was there, and several
of the principal musicians of Venice. La
Signora Regina Zocchi, a lady who had
her musical education at the Incurabili,
under the celebrated Signor Hasse, and
who is now well married, and re-
ceived, and even courted by the first
people here, sung: she has a very power-
ful voice, and good shake, with great volu-
bility and expression. D. Flaminio Tomj,
who has a mere Voce di Camera, sung
with exquisite taste. La Signora Bassa
performed on the harpsichord, two or
three concertos with much grace and pre-
cision. Add to this, that the whole was
well heard by a very large company, com-
posed of the first noblity of Venice, a-
mong whom was Signor Mocenigo, son
to the present doge.

Friday 17. I had this morning the
honour of a second interview with
