
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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third lower at pleasure, without the em-
barrassment of different notes or clefs,
real or imaginary.

Among the Dilettanti here, besides
Count Taxis, there is a noble Venetian,
Signor Giovanni Cornaro, remarkable for
his genius and skill in composition: he
had composed a mass for a great festival at
a church in Padua, which was performed
there, while I was at Venice, with an im-
mense band of voices and instruments.

This evening, in order to make my-
self more fully acquainted with the na-
ture of the conservatorios, and to finish
my musical enquiries here, I obtained
permission to be admitted into the music
school of the Mendicanti, and was fa-
voured with a concert, which was per-
formed wholly on my account, and lasted
two hours, by the best vocal and instr-
umental performers of this hospital: it
was really curious to see, as well as to hear
every part of this excellent concert, per-
formed by female violins, hautbois,
