
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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tenors, bases, harpsichord, french-horns,
and even double bases. There was a pri-
oress, a person in years, who presided:
the first violin was very well played
by Antonia Cubli, of Greek extraction;
the harpsichord sometimes by Francesca
Rossi, Maestra del coro, and sometimes
by others; these young persons frequent-
ly change instruments.

The singing was really excellent in
different stiles; Laura Risegari and Gia-
coma Frari, had very powerful voices,
capable of filling a large theatre; these
sung bravura songs, and capital scenes
selected from Italian operas; and Fran-
cesca Tomj, sister to the Abate of that
name, and Antonia Lucuvich, (this se-
cond a Sclavonian girl) whose voices
were more delicate, confined themselves
chiefly to pathetic songs, of taste and ex-
pression. The whole was very judiciously
mixed; no two airs of the same kind
followed each other, and there seemed
to be great decorum and good disci-
pline observed in every particular; for
