
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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these admirable performers, who are of
different ages, all behaved with great pro-
priety, and seemed to be well educated.

It was here that the two celebrated
female performers, the Archiapate, now
Signora Guglielmi, and Signora Mad-
dalena Lombardini Sirmen, who have
received such great and just applause in
England, had their musical instructions.
If I could have staid a few days longer at
Venice, I might have enjoyed the same
kind of entertainment at the other three
conservatorios, having been tempted to
continued there by such an offer from a
friend who had interest sufficient to pro-
cure me a sight of the interior discipline
of these admirable musical seminaries ;
and I declined this obliging offer with
the greater reluctance, as there is not in
all Italy any establishment of the same
kind ; but being willing to divide the
time which I had allowed myself for the
enquiries I had to make there as equally as
possible, I resisted that temptation as well
as several other offers with which I was
