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" larly a duet, sung by Signora de Amici " and Signor Caselli. At the same " theatre we have at present il Saroe ri- " conosciuto, composed by Signor Borghi, " which is generally disliked.
" The music, at the opera-house of S. " Moisè pleases very much ; notwith- " standing it is so ill executed, that the " author, Signor Garzaniga, a Neapoli- " tan, has great reason to be mortified, " though crowned with general praise."
My chief business in this city was to see and converse with the learned Padre Martini, and the celebrated Signor Fari- nelli, the former being regarded by all Europe as the deepest theorist, and the other as the greatest practical musician of this, or perhaps of any age or country; and, as I was so fortunate as to be well received by both, I shall make no apo- logy for being minute in my account of two such extraordinary persons.