
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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still encreasing it from all parts of the
world. I had frequently surprized se-
veral booksellers on the continent with
the list of my own books on the subject
of music, but, in my turn, I was now
surprised. Though Padre Martini has
had many presents made him of scarce
books and MSS. yet he has often paid
a great price for others, particularly for
one written in Spanish, 1613, which
cost him a hundred ducats, about twen-
ty guineas, at Naples, where it was
printed. He shewed me several of his
most curious books and MSS. upon
which I communicated to him the cata-
logue of mine. He was surprised at some
of them, and said they were extremely
rare ; of these he took down the titles,
and, at my second visit, he was pleased
to think my plan worth borrowing to
transcribe, which he did with his own
