
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Thursday, August 23. It will give plea-
sure to every lover of music, especially
to those who have been so happy as to
have heard him, to learn that Signor Fa-
rinelli still lives, and is in good health
and spirits. I found him much younger
in appearance than I expected. He is
tall and thin, but seems by no means
infirm. Hearing that I had a letter for
him, he was so obliging as to come to
me this morning at Padre Martini's, in
whose library I spent a great part of my
time here. Upon my observing, in the
course of our conversation, that I had
long been ambitious of seeing two per-
sons, become so eminent by different
abilities in the same art, and that my
chief business at Bologna was to gra-
tify that ambition, Signor Farinelli,
pointing to P. Martini, said, " What he
" is doing will last, but the little that I
" have done is already gone and forgot-
" ten." I told him, that in England
