
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Signor Farinelli has long left off sing-
ing, but amuses himself still on the harp-
sichord and viol d'amour: he has a great
number of harpsichords made in different
countries, which he has named accord-
ing to the place they hold in his favour,
after the greatest of the Italian painters.
His first favourite is a piano forte, made
at Florence in the year 1730, on which
is written in gold letters, Rafael d'Urbino;
then, Coreggio, Titian, Guido, &c. He
played a considerable time upon his
Raphael, with great judgment and deli-
cacy, and has composed several elegant
pieces for that instrument. The next in
favour is a harpsichord given him by the
late queen of Spain, who was Scarlatti's
scholar, both in Portugal and Spain; it
was for this princess that Scarlatti made
his two first books of lessons, and to her
the first edition, printed at Venice, was
dedicated, when she was princess of Astu-
rias; this harpsichord, which was made
in Spain, has more tone than any of the
