
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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himself and Padre Martini, may perhaps
for the present, gratify in some measure,
the curiosity of the reader.

Carlo Broschi, called Farinelli, was born
at Naples in 1705; he had his first mu-
sical education from his father, Signor
Broschi, and afterwards was under Por-
pora, who travelled with him; he was
seventeen when he left that city to go
to Rome, where, during the run of an
opera, there was a struggle every night
between him and a famous player on the
trumpet, in a song accompanied by that
instrument: this, at first, seemed ami-
cable and merely sportive, till the audi-
ence began to interest themselves in the
contest, and to take different sides:
after severally swelling out a note, in
which each manifested the power of his
lungs, and tried to rival the other in
brilliancy and force, they had both a
swell and a shake together, by thirds,
which was continued so long, while the
audience eagerly waited the event, that
