
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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ledge; and his scholars afterwards ren-
dered the Bologna school famous.

From thence he went to Venice, and
from Venice to Vienna; in all which
cities his powers were regarded as mira-
culous; but he told me, that at Vienna,
where he was three different times, and
where he received great honours from
the Emperor Charles the VI. an admo-
nition from that prince was of more
service to him than all the precepts of his
masters, or examples of his competitors
for fame: his Imperial Majesty conde-
scended to tell him one day, with great
mildness and affability, that in his sing-
ing, he neither moved nor stood still like
any other mortal; all was supernatural.
" Those gigantic strides, said he; those
" never-ending notes and passages, ces
" notes qui ne finissent jamais
, only sur-
" prise, and it is now time for you to
" please; you are too lavish of the gifts
" with which nature has endowed you;
" if you wish to reach the heart, you

" must