
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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this prince to have operas, which were a
great relief to him: he was appointed
sole director of those spectacles; and had
from Italy, the best composers and singers
of the time, and Metastasio to write.
He shewed me in his house four of the
principal scenes in Didone and Nitetti,
painted by Amiconi, who accompanied
him first into England, and then into
Spain, where he died.

When the present king of Spain as-
cended the throne, he was obliged to quit
that kingdom, but a good pension is still
continued, and he was allowed to bring
away all his effects. The furniture of
his house is very rich, as it is almost en-
tirely composed of the presents he receiv-
ed from great personages. He seems
very much to regret the being obliged to
seek a new habitation, after having lived
twenty-four years in Spain, where he had
formed many friendships and connections
that were dear to him; and it is a great
proof of the prudence and moderation of
