
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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his character, that in a country and court,
where jealousy and pride are so predomi-
nant, he continued so long to be the king's
chief favourite, a distinction odious to
every people, without the least quarrel or
difference with any of the Spaniards.

When he returned into Italy in 1761,
all his old friends, relations, and ac-
quaintance were either dead or removed
from the places where he had left them;
so that he had a second life to begin,
without the charms of youth to attach
new friends, or his former talents to gain
new protectors.

He says that Metastasio and he were
twins of public favour, and entered the
world at the same time, he having per-
formed in that poet's first opera. When
he shewed me his house, he pointed out
an original picture, painted about that
time, by Amiconi, in which are the port-
raits of Metastasio, of Farinelli himself,
of Faustina, the famous singer, and of
