
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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From his conversation, there is reason
to believe, that the court of Spain had
fixed on Bologna for his residence; though
the Italian say that his first design was to
settle at Naples, the place of his birth,
but that he was driven from thence by
the numerous and importunate claims of
his relations: however that may be, he
has a sister and two of her children with
him, one of whom is an infant, of which
he is doatingly fond, though it is cross,
sickly, homely, and unamiable; yet this
is a convincing proof, among others; to me
that he was designed by nature for family
attentions and domestic comforts: In
conversation he lamented his not being
able, for political reasons, to settle in
England; for, next to Spain, that he said
was the place in the world, where he
should have wished to spend the remain-
der of his days.

He speaks much of the respect and gra-
titude he owes to the English. When I
dined with him it was on an elegant ser-
