
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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vice of plate, made in England at the
time he was there. He shewed me a
number of pictures of himself, painted
during that time, from one of which by
Amiconi, there is a print. He has an
English sweep-chimney boy playing with a
cat, and an apple-woman with a barrow,
by the same hand: he has likewise a cu-
rious English clock, with little figures
playing in concert on the guitar, the
violin, and violoncello, whose arms and
fingers are always moved by the same

His large room, in which is a billiard-
table, is furnished with the pictures of
great personages, chiefly sovereign princes,
who have been his patrons, among whom
are two emperors, one empress, three
kings of Spain, two princes of Asturias, a
king of Sardinia, a prince of Savoy, a king
of Naples, a princess of Asturias, two
queens of Spain, and Pope Benedict the
XIVth. In other apartments there are
several charming pictures, by Ximenes and
