
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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ingly, while I entered them in my pocket-

He still retains a few words of the Eng-
lish language, which he had picked up
during his residence in London, and en-
tertained me a great part of the day with
accounts of his reception and adventures
there, he repeated a conversation which
he had had with Queen Caroline about
Cuzzoni and Faustina; and gave me an
account of his first performance at court
to his late majesty George the IId. in
which he was accompanied on the harp-
sichord by the princess royal, afterwards
princess of Orange, who insisted on his
singing two of Handel's songs at sight,
printed in a different clef, and composed
in a different stile from what he had ever
been used to. He told me of his journey
into the country with the Duke and
Dutchess of Leeds, and with Lord Cob-
ham; of the feuds concerning the two
operas; of the part which the late Prince
of Wales took with that managed by the
