
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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to those in use at this time in England.
It is remarkable that this university
has no correspondence with England,
nor is it able to purchase our Phi-
losophical Transactions. The salaries
are small, and the money allowed for the
support of the Institute is all appro-
priated. This I was told by the Keeper
or Custode, who shewed me the apart-
ments. My visit to the learned Sig-
nora Bassi was very agreeable, and she
was so obliging as to offer me a letter to
Signor Fontana at Florence, one of the
first mathematicians in Europe.

They speak much at Bologna of the
Bravi Orbi, or excellent blind musicians,
who were not in town when I was there;
but all the masters admire them, in their
way, very much, particularly Jomelli,
who always sends for them, when in the
same town, to play to him. They travel
about in summer to Rome, Naples, and
elsewhere; one plays on the violin, the
other on the violoncello, and is called
Spacca Nota, or Split Note.