
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Tuesday, being a festival, mass was
performed in music at the church of the
convent of St. Augustin. The composer
was Signor Caroli, Maestro di Capella del
of Bologna. There was a great
band, but neither learning, taste, or no-
velty to recommend the music. It con-
sisted of old passages, strung together in
a heavy manner, without even the merit
of a little pertness now and then to en-
liven it. And what rendered this music
still more tiresome, was the singing,
which was rather below mediocrity.

In the afternoon I went to take a me-
lancholy leave of the Cavalier Farinelli.
He kindly importuned me to stay longer
at Bologna, and even chid me for going
away so soon. I found him at his Raphael,
and prevailed on him to play a good
deal: he sings upon it with infinite taste
and expression. I was truly sorry to quit
this extraordinary and amiable person:
he pressed me to write to him, if there
