
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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was any thing in Italy which he could
procure or do for me. I staid with him
till it was so late, that I was in danger of
being shut out of the city of Bologna, the
gates being locked every night as soon as
it is dark.

By the advice of Padre Martini I
staid at Bologna two days longer than I
intended, in order to be present at a
kind of trial of skill among such com-
posers of this city as are members of the
celebrated Philharmonic Society, founded
in 1666.

There is an annual exhibition, or pub-
lic performance, morning and evening,
on the thirtieth of August, in the church
of S. Giovanni in Monte*. This year the

* This church is rendered famous by the posses-
sion of two of the best pictures in Bologna, or, per-
haps, in the world, the St. Cecilia of Raphael, and
the Madonna of the Rosary of Dominichini. They
are placed in two chapels, opposite to each other,
between which, and in full view of these charming
paintings, I had the advantage of sitting to hear
the music.