
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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Principe, or President, was Signor Petro-
nio Lanzi. The band was very nume-
rous, consisting of near a hundred voices
and instruments. There are two large
organs in the church, one on each side
of the choir; and, besides these, a small
one was erected for the occasion, in front,
just behind the composer and singers.
The performers were placed in a gallery,
which formed a semi-circle round the

In the Messa or Morning Service the
Kyrie and Gloria were composed by Sig-
nor Lanzi, President for the second time.
His music was grave and majestic; it
opened with an introduction, by way of
overture, of a considerable length, which
afterwards served as an accompaniment
to the voices in a very good chorus:
there were likewise in it several pleasing
airs, and a well-written fugue.
The Graduale was composed by Signor
Antonio Caroli, in the same dry and
uninteresting stile as the performance
