
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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mentioned above, which would have
been thought trite and dull sixty years

The Credo was composed by Signor
Lorenzo Gibelli, a scholar of Padre Mar-
tini, which, in point of harmony, had
its merit.

The morning service was finished by a
symphony, with solo parts, by Signor
Gioanni Piantanida, principal violin of
Bologna, who really astonished me.
This performer is upwards of sixty years
of age, and yet has all the fire of youth,
with a good tone, and modern taste; and,
upon the whole, seemed to me, though
his bow-hand has a clumsy and aukward
look, more powerful upon his instrument
than any one I had, as yet, heard in

In the Vespero, or evening service, the
Domine was composed by Signor Antonio
Fontana di Carpi, a priest, and was a
pleasing performance, of one movement
