
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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though there were two or three that were
agreeable, particularly a contralto, Sig-
nor Cicognani, who, in a serious opera,
would be a good second singer; and a
soprano, Consoli, a boy of about thir-
teen or fourteen, with a very sweet, but
feeble voice, who possessed great taste
and expression. Signor Zanotti is a
scholar of Padre Martini, and one of the
Maestri di Capella in the church of S.

The next composer who took upon
him the direction of the orchestra, every
author beat time to his own performance,
was Signor Gabrielle Vignali. His part
of the service was the Confitebor, which
he had set in such an inoffensive manner,
that the nicest judge could not be hurt
by its faults, nor the most envious critic
by it [sic] beauties.

Beatus Vir was set by D. Giuseppe Co-
retti, a venerable priest, who ranks very
high in Bologna as a contrapuntist; indeed
his music was very masterly, and, in
