
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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sound harmony, and regular modulation,
had infinite merit.

Laudate Pueri was composed by Signor
Bernardo Ottani, another scholar of Padre
Martini, who is young, and a promising
composer. There were many ingenious
pretty things in his performance, as well
as in that which followed, which was a
hymn by Don Francesco Orsoni, a young
priest, and scholar likewise of Padre

The whole was concluded by the Mag-
of Signor Antonio Mazzoni, second
master of the duomo or cathedral, who is
composer to the opera here, and has been
in that character at Naples, Madrid, and
Petersbourg. He is said to have great
fire and fancy, but in this performance,
which was all chorus, they were not dis-
coverable; the whole was founded upon a
ground-base, which was played by all
the instruments, and seemed laboured
and constrained.
