
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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There were present at this exhibition
all the critics of Bologna, and the neigh-
bouring cities, and the church was ex-
tremely crowded. Upon the whole, I
was very well entertained; and the va-
riety of stile, and masterly composition
were such as reflected honour, not only
upon the Philharmonic Society, but upon
the Society of Bologna itself, which has,
at all times, been fertile in genius, and has
given birth to a great number of men
of abilities in all the arts.

I must acquaint my musical reader,
that at the performance just mentioned,
I met with M. Mozart and his son, the
little German, whose premature and al-
most supernatural talents so much asto-
nished us in London a few years ago,
when he had scarce quitted his infant
state. Since his arrival in Italy he has
been much admired at Rome and Na-
ples, has been honoured with the order
of the Speron d'Oro, or Golden Spur, by
