
Charles Burney

The Present State of Music in France and Italy (2nd, corrected edition)

London: T. Becket and Co., 1773


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his Holiness, and was engaged to com-
pose an opera at Milan for the next

I cannot quit this city without return-
ing once more to the good Padre Mar-
tini. After the musical performance
above described, I went, by appointment,
to his convent to bid him adieu, as I was
to quit Bologna early the next morning.
He waited for me in his study, it be-
ing late, and beyond the monastic hours
of seeing company. He had kindly pre-
pared for me recommendatory letters for
Florence, Rome, and Naples; and had
looked out still more curious books to
shew me, of which I took the titles, in
hopes of meeting with them some time
or other.

He had told me, the day before, that,
as he should not be present at the Phil-
harmonic Meeting, he should rely on my
judgment and account, how matters went
off and were conducted; and now desired
me to describe to him every single piece.
